Scientists4Future NL (S4F NL) is dedicated to diversity, equity, inclusion, and the free expression of ideas. S4F NL seeks to provide an environment in which diverse participants may learn, discuss, network, and enjoy each others company in an environment of mutual respect. We recognize a shared responsibility to create and hold that environment for the benefit of all. Some behaviors, therefore, are specifically prohibited:
- Harassment or intimidation based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, age, appearance, religion, or other group status.
- Sexual harassment or intimidation, including unwelcome sexual attention, stalking (physical or virtual), or unsolicited physical contact.
- Harassing photography or recording.
- Sustained disruption.
- Verbally or physically threatening others.
Individuals of S4F NL are asked to frame discussions as openly and inclusively as possible and be aware of how language or images may be perceived by others.
Critical examination of beliefs and viewpoints does not, by itself, constitute hostile conduct or harassment. Similarly, the use of unsettling imagery or language in the context of a discussion may not constitute hostile conduct or harassment if it is relevant to the topic of discussion and presented respectfully and cautiously.
Individuals who are asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. If an individual engages in harassing behavior, others have the right to take any actions to keep the space a safe and welcoming environment.
Violations of this code of conduct may lead to termination of the right to participate in S4F NL. Individuals may take action to redress anything designed to, or with the clear impact of, disrupting the environment or making the environment hostile for any participants.
Organizers of S4F NL events, decentralized groups, and projects assign a point of contact for the corresponding activity, which will rotate. If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, or if you believe a harassment problem exists, please report it as soon as possible to the trust person.
The point of contact is Martina Huber, huber_ma at hotmail dot com
This code of conduct has been approved by the national group on 20 Nov 2019. When deemed necessary, an advisory group formed during a consensus meeting open to all, will revise the code. Individuals of S4F NL will be informed of the changes.
This code of conduct was adapted from the following sources:
- Open Science Community Utrecht
- Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science
- Geek Feminism wiki
- American Library Association, Code of Conduct