Charter of Scientists for Future Netherlands
Who We Are
Scientists for Future Netherlands (S4F-NL) is a platform for researchers, scientists, and academics who seek to safeguard the habitability of the earth for humans and other species. We are a non-institutional, non-partisan, interdisciplinary community committed to a sustainable future.
S4F-NL was founded in the summer of 2019, having evolved from an initiative to support the Amsterdam Climate March in March 2019, inspired by several other initiatives in the Netherlands and abroad.
S4F-NL consists of researchers, scientists, and academics who actively pursue a stronger response to the climate and ecological emergency. Transitions are needed on the economic, social, political, and personal levels, and time is of the essence.
As researchers, scientists, and academics, we see it as our duty to raise our voices. Our approach is informed by science and academic scholarship from all disciplines. Addressing the climate and ecological emergency will require a wide diversity of approaches, knowledge, and experience; we actively welcome people from all disciplines and in all positions to join us.
You can find our local groups members on the page Local groups. You can also find out more about our Personal Stories. We collaborate with other Scientists for Future groups in Belgium, Germany, and Austria.
What We Do
S4F-NL engages in proactive science communication. We explain and evaluate the needs and options for actions and policies to achieve climate, environmental, and sustainability goals, and actively advocate for sustainable climate solutions. S4F-NL informs and raises awareness at schools and universities, and engages with policymakers and other stakeholders via education, petitions, and lobbying. We use traditional and digital media and participate in panel discussions and public events.
Researchers, scientists, and academics in S4F-NL take their responsibility seriously to contribute to a healthy planet for present and future generations. We support and actively promote non-violent actions, and take part in peaceful demonstrations, strikes, and protests.
To learn more about the climate and ecological crises, please see here for information.
How We Work
S4F-NL is a decentralised, self-organising grassroots movement. We provide a network for exchanges, from which member-based initiatives emerge. S4F-NL works in local groups, as well as in project groups (e.g., education, divestment, social media). Participation is open to all researchers, scientists, and academics who are committed to the objectives of this Charter. Our operational structure is defined in the Community Principles, which can be found here.
Acknowledgements and credits
Logo courtesy of Scientists4Future, warming stripes courtesy of Ed Hawkins.
© Scientists for Future NL 2022, [copyright]; the Charter in its first version was adopted in 2019 and revised in 2022. This revised version was approved at the national meeting of S4F NL on February 2022. The S4F-NL Charter will continue to evolve.